The world was shrouded in darkness. The Machines had almost taken over. One man, one green man, sought to stop them. You see, The Machines used misinformation to confuse thier enemies. They made people belive absurd falsehoods such as the idea that green being the best color is an "opinion" and not "objectivly true 100% bro". I mean, it's just semantics anyway, who cares? Anyway, Greenman was a great hero that sought to bring the truth back to the land. Unfortuantly, it was difficult for him to do this on foot considering the UltraNuclearNeonFX™ wasteland that the world had become. So, Greenman created a website, this website, to spread the truth: virtually, and also, awesomely.
As previouly stated, Greenman created this website to spread the truth to defeat The Machines. Natrually, he started by writing an article about how awesome the website was. You are reading it now. This website was Super Awesome®, is Super Awesome™, and always will be super Awesome (©).
Greenpedia is still used
Greenpedia is no longer used