The infamous Disney attraction "It's A Small World" was concocted on a dark and stormy night at 3:45 AM by one Walter "Albert" Disney in his shack of a house. After coming up with this demented idea, Walter "Harrington" Disney built it at a convience store. He forced children from all over the world to fill the rivers of his dark, twisted attraction. Eventually, after fighting off one to many possesed dolls built by Ennabelle "Tiffany" Jeffiny, the store owner forced Walter "Annabelle" Disney to move "It's A Small World" to his own theme park, Disneyland. After relocating the ride to Disneyland, Walter "Sennies" Disney forced the children to fill the rivers, AGAIN! This angered GOD and he struck down Walter "Ellmmo" Disney once and for all.
In the ride you move from country to country in river full of poisoned water. As you move through the ride the children slowly become more asian until at the end of the ride you end up in spain. As the very repetitive song plays it gets worse the further you go into the ride. There are over 9,945,689 possesed dolls in the ride.